Precon Power Creep?
Being the one person at the table that doesn’t get to play their deck isn’t fun, so is focusing more on making sure you actually get to play the cards you draw a bad design decision?
Mishra’s Burnished Banner - Out of the Box
I’d question the edibility and logistics of forcing an animated Ichor Wellspring into a cake tin, but I’m sure you can ask Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar on how to make that recipe work.
Starter Commander Decks 2022 Prediction Results
I don’t know what the plan is for this product line moving forward. I would have been very surprised if they put Anointed Procession and Rooftop Storm in these decks, but it’s so much more fun to predict spicy cards! We already know that they’ll include some popular staples every time. Even though we did poorly on our predictions, I wouldn’t change a thing about how we did it.
Dominaria United Commander—Out of the Box
I don’t know if this was supposed to be a card for Standard and they simply ran out of room there, and I think it’s an interesting ability to play around with, but to me boxed precons really shouldn’t have cards that don’t work in the deck they got printed in. Putting Greed, Phyrexian Reclamation or fetchlands in the precon would have prevented this card from just being a glorified Vampire Nighthawk.
Battle for Baldur’s Gate - Out of the Box - 2/2
Deep Gnome Terramancer seems like an instant staple that’s never going away until they release something even better. I feel this is what WOTC originally intended to do with Boreas Charger or Cartographer’s Hawk, but maybe at that point there wasn’t as high of a demand to ‘fix white’ in EDH or they just weren’t sure how far they could push white while still staying within the boundaries of the color pie.
Battle for Baldur’s Gate - Out of the Box - 1/2
You can’t have a Mindflayer captain without a ship! Nautiloid Ship gives you another graveyard exile effect - but this one allows you to use the cards exiled by it, making it a nice card for both its mechanic and its flavor.
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