Our primary rule on PlayEDH is to be excellent to each other. We’re all here to have fun. People are free to enjoy EDH in many different ways. If casual players don’t like competitive EDH, that’s fine! If competitive players don’t enjoy casual EDH, that’s also fine! Play and let play. This format has a lot of different approaches, ideas and mindsets.
We expect you to uphold basic human decency. Simply put, don’t be a bigot, don’t engage in any exclusionary ‘-ism's’. Furthermore 'Elitist' or disrespectful mannerisms will not be tolerated. This includes topics in regards to EDH or other non-game related topics.
Comments such as 'Your deck sucks because it plays X' or unhealthy discussions about 'which form of EDH is better' in an argumentative or inconsiderate fashion are undesired behavior. Please report any such behavior to the team via our in-client ticketing system, Modmail. You can find out how to open a Modmail ticket in our FAQ.
If a member of staff notices chat is escalating or going in the wrong direction and makes it clear it’s time to move on to other topics and end the ongoing discussion, we expect you to follow these instructions.
No political views, ideology, or political philosophy talk. These types of topics are usually a matter of (strong) personal beliefs and arguing about them with strangers rarely leads to positive places. If you do think you need to debate about it with someone (or a group) of people, or you consider your views on these topics insightful enough to share, please do so in private messages or on servers that welcome this type of discussion. We’re a community for playing card games, not a political forum.
No overly serious topics. Talking about how you're having a bad day at work is perfectly fine, but going in-depth about your personal or mental health issues is out of place on a server such as ours. We’re a space to have fun and enjoy the game of Magic. The people here are usually not qualified and/or able to help properly. If you do need help, please don’t hesitate to reach out to one of the organizations on https://findahelpline.com/
Have a positive attitude. Being negative often makes conversations worse without adding anything of substance. Do note that critique is not the same as having a negative attitude. You’re obviously free to express your opinion in a constructive manner, but baseless criticism is something we prefer not to see. This is especially true for the off-topic channels and content discussion.
Don't take things too personally. Assume people don't have bad or mean intentions when they say something, even if that's what it might look like to you. Try to understand that the things they say might sound different to them than they do for you, and don't approach conversations with the intent of escalating them. Everyone has an opinion, however far removed from your opinion that might be.
No NSFW/18+ content. This isn’t a NSFW Server, find it elsewhere. This doesn’t just include images, but also discussion topics. To be clear, this also applies to your play areas such as sleeves, playmats, alters, etc. In addition, please be aware of things that can make other players uncomfortable. This can include things like firearms, alcohol, drugs, and similar materials. Keep these off camera. As a rule of thumb: Don’t bring anything here that you would be unsure about taking to an LGS you’ve never been to before.
Gameplay Etiquette
Don’t LFG outside of the LFG channels. Keep LFG posts and requests strictly to the channels dedicated for this purpose. The process for finding games should not be done in any chat other than the designated areas.
Play to the best of your ability. We expect people to play with the intention of winning a game, or denying others from winning the game. This also includes having ways to win that don’t rely on ‘hoping your opponents concede’. Your focus in a game on PlayEDH should always be executing your game plan, and interacting with the game plan of your opponents.
Playing to win includes playing the game until you have actually lost. Scooping because you fell behind or kept a bad hand is unsportsmanlike. Deliberately sandbagging or making a game drag on when you have a win in hand goes against the rule of being excellent to each other. Once you’re taken out of a game, you are not bound to sit said game out until the game has fully concluded, though if the game was enjoyable, seeing the end result could prove to be worthwhile.
Be more clear and more accommodating than when playing in person paper Magic. It’s more difficult to keep track of board states and effects because the pod isn’t sharing a physical table. You may need to explain choices in attacking and blocking or card interactions more than once. Don’t hesitate to ask about people’s board state before changing phases. For cards that work with (semi) hidden information, such as Gitaxian Probe or Gonti, Lord of Luxury, the SpellBot block function which obscures a player’s vision of another player’s board can provide some basic utility if needed. Sometimes players might choose to reveal the information. Agree on a method that works for your pod when you resolve such an effect.
Be mindful of your pod’s time. If you know you have limited time available due to real life plans, be those work, making dinner, etc, remind yourself that a game of EDH can take quite a while. Don’t start a game if you know you have to leave shortly after. If you know you have a set time you need to stop playing at, let your pod know in advance.
Don’t rush through priority or casting your spells. Due to factors such as latency, webcam quality or unfamiliarity with cards, your opponents may need additional time to consider their responses to your plays. Narrate your turn as you pass through phases. This will help everyone ensure they know where they are in the turn.
Per the rules of Magic, it is the shared responsibility of every player in a game to maintain a correct board state. If mandatory triggers, changes in life total or other important things have been missed, help out your fellow players. We’re all collectively trying to make this game work over webcam.
Wear clothes. We know this rule sounds weird, but we wouldn’t talk about it if it wasn’t relevant. You’re sharing your play space with other players. We understand you feel this is your private space or home, but you’re sharing your play space with your pod. We don’t want to see your underwear or nude upper body.
Don’t advertise sales. This includes Kickstarters, fundraisers, Etsy stores, etc.
Don't advertise other Discord servers.
If you wish to advertise something on our platform, or you’re unsure something would be considered advertising, reach out to the team via our in-client ticketing system, Modmail. You can find out how to open a Modmail ticket in our FAQ.
PlayEDH Team
Game moderation, deck checks, text and voice channel moderation and all of the features our server offers requires direct interaction from our team, so don’t block our team’s accounts (this includes Modmail). If any conflict between you and a member of the team arises, please reach out to Modmail and ask to speak to the Staff Lead or an Admin. You can find out how to open a Modmail ticket in our FAQ.
All of the above mentioned rules are to be upheld anywhere on the server. This includes but is not limited to text chat channels, voice rooms or while playing games on our platform. Failure to follow these rules may result in actions taken against your account, be those warnings, time-outs, kicks, or bans, depending on the severity of the situation.