Our Top 10 Cards of The Brothers’ War
Exxaxl: Can I interest you into this old border Metalwork Colossus as a participation prize ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)?
Chief: There’s no need to bully me.
Starter Commander Decks 2022 Prediction Results
I don’t know what the plan is for this product line moving forward. I would have been very surprised if they put Anointed Procession and Rooftop Storm in these decks, but it’s so much more fun to predict spicy cards! We already know that they’ll include some popular staples every time. Even though we did poorly on our predictions, I wouldn’t change a thing about how we did it.
Starter Commander Decks 2022 Predictions
Exxaxl: Dimir precon! Woo! Blue and black, before you attack, hold that thought while I respond on the stack. Banishing Knack and tap my zombie token to send your commander back…to your hand.
Chief: Are you done? 🤦
Exxaxl: Yes.
The Brothers’ War Predictions
Wizards has been pretty adventurous when it comes to the combinations of card types that they’ve included on double-sided cards over the past few years, so I really hope that they do something interesting again here. The expanded text box on meld cards allows for some very unique design space.
Dominaria United Predictions
While the enemy painlands have been reprinted multiple times in recent years, we haven’t seen the allied painlands since Tenth Edition. That means that it has been 15 years since they were last reprinted. I’m honestly not sure why they’ve been overlooked for so long, but this set seems like a great place to bring them back.
Double Masters 2022 Predictions
Worry not, because Grand Abolisher is here to help! For just 2 mana, this card disables most of your opponents’ answers during your turn. It’s hardly a surprise that this is one of the most sought after reprints from Commander players.
Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur’s Gate Predictions
Go for the eyes, Boo. GO FOR THE EYES! RrraaaAAGHGHH!
It’s Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur’s Gate predictions time!
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