Battle for Baldur’s Gate - Out of the Box - 2/2

This is the second and last article where we take a look at the new precons from Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur’s Gate (CLB) and give some feedback on where to make changes while still staying within the boundaries of the Battlecruiser (BC) powerlevel on our Discord server.

We’ll go over the face commanders, alternate new commanders, themes and card distribution, while also highlighting some of the new cards I expect will do well and stick around in homebrew decks.

In this article we’ll be taking a closer look at the Draconic Dissent and Party Time decks. Mind Flayarrrs and Exit from exile got covered last time - go and read all about them in the previous article.


Draconic Dissent

What is the face commander trying to do:
Firkraag, Cunning Instigator
does a lot for one card. The goal is to swing in with dragons and goad creatures your opponents control, then turn that goad into +1/+1 counters and card advantage. On top of that he’s a 3/3 hasted flying creature, so chances are you will swing in with your commander (and hopefully other creatures) when he resolves.

To me, Firkraag finally opens up ‘dictate how combat goes’ through goading in Izzet, which isn’t something we’ve really seen before outside of on Bjorna, Nightfall Alchemist. Most dragons in MTG have flying, and red has no lack of haste enablers, so getting Firkraag to trigger consistently in a homebrew deck shouldn’t be too hard either.

Other subthemes in the deck:
Draconic Dissent actually has a surprising lack of dragons - I expected more of them in the precon given its name. Less than half of the creaturebase are dragons and there are no Changelings in the deck either. It has a mix of extra goad and forced combat cards, a little too much in my eyes.
I feel once people ‘know the deck’ and you sit down to play, you may get focused simply because people don’t want to put up with all the combat-related shenanigans you’ll bring to the table. If you’re playing the boxed precon and other people are not playing creature-focused decks, Draconic Dissent might have issues playing out some of its stronger cards too.


Thoughts on the new alternate commander:
Baeloth Barrityl, Entertainer
brings goad to all your opponents creatures but is limited to creatures that have less power than Baeloth himself. I’m very happy they made Firkraag put +1/+1 counters on itself and not ‘target creature you control’ or Baeloth would get out of hand quite quickly. The precon comes with some Impetus aura cards you should consider casting on Baeloth to potentially allow him to work more consistently. To help Baeloth be more threatening, he does come with it’s own self-buffing background!


Clan Crafter allows you to sacrifice artifacts to put a +1/+1 counter on one of your commanders and draw a card. There’s a surprising lack of artifact generation in the deck which I expected to see more of considering Clan Crafter’s requirement to sacrifice just artifacts. Baeloth generates Treasure tokens, but simply ‘in the 99’ this card is going to feel quite underwhelming.
I can see it put in a lot of work in decks that focus on making artifact tokens - Tivit, Seller of Secrets or Eloise, Nephalia Sleuth now allow you to sacrifice your clues for the same amount of mana but gain extra benefits for example. Any deck with blue that already runs an Academy Manufactor should likely find a slot for Clan Crafter in the 99 as well.


Distribution and quality of overall cards (ramp, interaction, draw):
10 Out of 11 of the artifacts in the precon will tap for mana. Roughly a third of those will however not colorfix you, and the deck has a lot of red pips it wants to colorfix for. While there’s no lack of ramp, it could likely do with a touch up in either treasure generation or red pip generation.

‘In response’... you steal people’s creatures for a turn, or mess people’s combat phase up a lot and often. There are some boardwipes present but quite the lack of instant-speed stack interaction, even though blue red has no lack of good cards to fill those slots.
Almost all the responsive spells and effects you can cast or activate are creature or combat focused to the point I feel they went quite overboard on those specific mechanics, and the deck will struggle at times to meaningfully interact with other people’s noncreature permanents. Outside of Steel Hellkite, it actually has no ways of destroying noncreatures - an Abrade or Vandalblast would have definitely been nice to see here.

Out of the box you’ll mostly draw cards when Firkraag triggers and a lot of the other options in the deck can feel quite conditional or expensive. Clan Crafter lacks enough artifacts to draw you cards without Baeloth, Curse of Verbosity is tied into how your opponents attack, I wouldn’t count Mind Stone or Solemn Simulacrum as ‘a good source of card draw’, Midnight Clock wheels your hand and graveyard away and Will Kenrith is 6 mana.
The precon already had quite a slow curve to begin with and to me it’s seriously craving for some earlier or more repetitive draw. Firkraag wants your Dragon creatures to attack to trigger so cards like Reconnaissance Mission or Coastal Piracy would have helped the deck a lot.


New Card Highlights:
Artificer Class
(one of my CLB predictions) is a card I feel a lot of people are sleeping on. This card brings out Sol Ring; Mana Vault; Skullclamp; Sensei’s Divining Top; Expedition Map or Shadowspear for completely free. ‘If I had one more mana’ is a sentence many EDH players have uttered before and this card can potentially get you there next time.
In its level 1 form, it's basically an Etherium Sculptor that’s harder to remove since it’s not an artifact or a creature, so it won’t die to creature based boardwipes and it’ll survive an overloaded Vandalblast. Except for green and white, enchantment removal is something other colors may struggle with too.
The level 2 activation can do some serious work, especially if your deck is built around artifact synergy. While it’s not a tutor, it’s still card advantage, and it’s card advantage you’re making cheaper to cast already. Perhaps this is new potential staple for Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain or Breya, Etherium Shaper.

Spectacular Showdown already made my top 10 cards of CLB so I won’t go too in-depth here. ‘Everybody double strike and goad and let’s see how that goes’ seems incredibly funny to cast at 7 mana and I’m sure it’ll lead to some equal parts frustration equal parts ‘and then you take 150 damage and I win the game’ situations and it’s exactly the type of card the EDH format needs more of. Boo to your compact 2 card 3 mana win cons, huzzah for 7 mana sorcery speed ‘yeah, they printed that’ cards - more of these please!

Astral Dragon is beautiful in both its art and its effect. 8 mana provides 3 bodies, two of which are copies of a noncreature - it doesn’t even have to be one you control! Have you ever wanted to control three Rhystic Studies? Terrors of the Peaks? Conjurer’s Closets? Do you pay the 6 for my three Smothering Tithes? If you copy Doubling Season or Anointed Procession, you’ll actually make four copies!
This is another big mana silly effect that’s going to result in some ‘never seen before’ situations. Note how it doesn’t specify nonland, just noncreature so go ahead and copy that Cabal Coffers! Let me know what your best copies with Astral Dragon have been on our Discord.


Upgrades for BC:
The deck goes absolutely overboard on combat control and goad and it can definitely do with less of those cards. It also lacks meaningful stack interaction, could do with better colorfixing and treasure generation to speed it up a little bit, and can likely slot in some more dragons to actually trigger Firkraag.
Out of all the precons, this is likely the one I’d make the most changes in for the BC powerlevel on our server specifically, because I feel often times it’s going to be on the receiving end of a lot of damage to the face before it can set up it’s goad plans, simply due to people not wanting to play against combat control/goad tribal. It’s because of this i’m leaning more towards Dragon tribal, and why the deck will see more changes than other precons I’ve talked about the past few sets.


Atsushi, the Blazing Sky is a cheap mana value Dragon with Flying and Trample, making it easier to connect for combat damage if your opponent has flying blockers to guarantee yourself a Firkraag trigger. It can impulse draw or creature Treasure tokens which are two things the deck definitely needs.

Goldspan Dragon gives you a hasted flier and generates you some extra treasure on top as well. The deck at its core doesn’t generate a copious amount of treasures if you’re not putting Baeloth//Clan Crafter at the helm so the treasures tapping for two mana didn’t feel excessive here either.


Since we’ve already added more treasure generation in the creaturebase there’s no need to go overboard with extra colorfixing or pip generation. That said: CLB did provide us with dragon specific manarocks and even if it was just from a flavor point of view, I’d definitely add Carnelian and Lapis Orb of Dragonkind for some haste and hexproof. I’d likely also find room for a Cursed Mirror because there are plenty of creatures here you wouldn’t mind cloning and if further helps with generating the red pips required to play the deck.


Reality Shift would get around some of the more annoying creatures your opponent has that can block and gets around indestructibility as well. Ravenform enables some artifact removal and leave an opponent with a creature that's smaller than the ones we can cast anyhow - potentially consider a Resculpt instead if you wish to give your opponent a 4/4 which of course you’ll goad eventually. Giving your opponents creatures and then forcing them to do combat with them could help you take people’s life totals lower more quickly.


Let’s add some artifact and enchantment removal by means of Abrade and Vandalblast to give yourself a fighting chance against cards like Lightning Greaves or Swiftfoot Boots, which will prevent you from targeting creatures to goad. Let’s add Prismari Command as a flexible ‘choice’ card to draw more cards, make treasure tokens or deal with artifacts as well.


Finally, let’s add some more draw by adding Reconnaissance Mission, Unexpected Windfall and Big Score. Due to how the deck plays, you’ll often end up drawing cards on ‘not your turn’ and I feel they really did the deck dirty by not providing you with ample cards to play at instant speed in case you draw too many cards and are going to have to discard down to hand size on your turn. This is largely why I added more instant speed options.


Limits for BC:
Seeing a precon come out with both Stuffy Doll; Brash Taunter and Blasphemous Act on top was a little scary. The deck already dictates how combat goes most of the time, and now it has oneshot potential in the late game to just take out two opponents at once. This is the type of synergy we’re trying to avoid in homebrew decks in our own BC meta and I feel cutting one or both of those creatures is likely a smart thing to do.
If you’re going to add more damage-based wipes (and seeing how most of your beefy blockers will survive damage-based wipes, that’s potentially not a stupid idea) it’s likely an interaction Mentors are on the lookout for to begin with.


Draconic Dissent will thrive in pods where creatures are abundant, if it gets a chance to develop some key pieces in time. Goad everything as often as possible, and if people aren’t playing big beatsticks then you’ll just have to try again next game. It could have done with more dragons and less forced combat, and with better payoffs for all the cards Firkraag will make you draw.

You might get seen as a disturbing factor or a nuisance that’s in the way of the regular game flow and even though other people may have scarier permanents than you, you’re the one that’s responsible for forcing those big creatures to swing at others and this might get on people's nerves.
Previous commanders that tried to do forced combat like Thantis, the Weaver or Kardur, Doomscourge have shown that ‘forced combat goad’ just doesn’t vibe well with the community sometimes, especially if people are still getting used to their new decks and you’re forcing them to swing with creatures they likely wanted to hold back for a cool new ability or effect and can’t keep swinging it at others.

I expect people to play this precon a few times and then likely take it apart for pieces because once it’s done ‘the thing’ where it kept most opponents goaded for the entirety of the game, it’s sort of reached the peak of its potential, and people might want to lean way more into the Dragon tribal support Firkraag provides.


Party Time

What is the face commander trying to do:
Nalia de’Arnise (whose name I’m 100% sure will be butchered by many) provides top deck knowledge, the ability to cast party cards - Clerics, Rogues, Warriors and Wizards - from the top of your library and a small board buff before combat. Think of her as a mix between Realmwalker and Bow of Nylea.

To me, this commander is the least ‘logical’ of the 4. Yes, clearly there is tribal support, but they opted out of tying in actual card draw - though top deck knowledge and casting is obviously good. There’s no benefit for having a full party outside of deathtouch and +1/+1 counters, she doesn’t trigger on anything related to ETB or attack effects.

Because she’s not ‘too spoonfed’ in design, you get to make your own unique deck around her and you can take your brew in many directions. I’ve already seen people make Shadowborne Apostles decks with Nalia at the helm. It may take some time for Nalia to find her way to decks built form scratch, potentially because she doesn’t seem to inherently provide you with a super fast or ‘solved’ design path.

Other subthemes in the deck:
Party Time is a mixed bag of lifedrain, token generation, graveyard recursion, flicker effects and a bunch of various keywords relevant to combat. There’s quite an imbalance in the representation of certain creature types and the deck has about 2 to 3 times as many Wizards and Clerics as it does Rogues. To combat this, there are some Changelings here and there, which to me break the theme and challenge of trying to make your boxed precon work with its own mechanic.

Having a set of precons where someone committed to making every creature in the Mind Flayarrrs precon a Horror but then fixing a tribal imbalance by slotting in Changelings in Party Time doesn’t sit with me well. There are some potential reprints that could have fixed this.

Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire would have worked very well with Nalia at the helm since you tutor cards to the top - probably a little too consistent given Nalia’s ability and likely one of the reasons why the card isn’t here. We’ve not seen Stromgald Spy - which has been updated to be a Human Rogue - since Alliances and having someone play with their hand face up can provide a benefit to both you and the table. Dauthi Voidwalker; Rankle, Master of Pranks - there’s no real shortage of Rogues that could easily be included here.

I was quite sad seeing Bloodsoaked Champion and Butcher of Malakir again this early. Streets of New Capenna had both of these cards and was released the last weekend of April. CLB came out June 10th, meaning there was a mere 6 weeks between the previous precons and the CLB precons. Both cards also feel quite unnecessary in the deck, as you don’t rely on sac outlets and you gain very little from reanimating creatures from your graveyard payoff wise.


Thoughts on the new alternate commander:
Burakos, Party Leader
who is an Orc… but also a Cleric, Rogue, Warrior and Wizard drains your opponent for each creature in your party while creating treasures - on attack by the way, so you don’t even have to connect during combat to make that happen. Due to the limitations of the party mechanic, without additional support, you will never generate more than 4 treasures, so he’s limited in that regard.


Folk Hero feels like the draw a card clause they wanted to add on Nalia but from playtesting likely felt like too big of an advantage combined with the top deck knowledge she already provided. Out of all the precon backgrounds, this might be the one we see the most of in the 99. Tribal decks are very popular and just about any Human, Cat, Spirit, Bird or 5 color tribes deck will find a space for this - it’s essentially a white Guardian Project from an EDH point of view.

After playtesting I can’t really say whether Nalia or Burakos//Folk Hero made for a better commander at the helm in the unaltered precon. Burakos provided more raw mana and true card-in-hand advantage over Nalia, but the deck does come with 44 creatures so Nalia more often than not was able to cast creatures from the library and provide a sizable boardstate advantage that way.
It did feel a little bit like Nalia wanted a more token-spammy approach in deckbuilding design to make her last ability relevant, but I also might have just been unlucky and didn’t see enough Rogues or Warriors hit the field to capitalize on the party-related buffs present in the precon.


Distribution and quality of overall cards (ramp, interaction, draw):
There are only a few actual ramp pieces present in the deck, though there are several ways of generating treasures to accelerate your plans. Almost 40% of the deck costs 3 mana or less, so while it appears to not have as many ramp pieces as other precons, there’s also less of a need to ‘catch up’ to be able to cast spells due to the cheaper curve of the deck as a whole. 

The deck comes with quite a few boardwipes - some of which don’t hit your own board as much, and oh hello Magus of the Balance, why are you here? - and some limited instant speed removal present. An Anguished Unmaking reprint would have been nice to see here.

There’s several draw pieces present in the deck but most of those approach it from an aristocrat point of view where it’s related to your own board dying such as Grim Haruspex and Skullclamp. I feel the deck didn’t have enough means to rebuild consistently enough to rely on said cards to fill your hand. Nalia being able to cast creatures off the top of the library will help make it feel like you aren’t out of options just because you don’t have a full hand though.


New Card Highlights:
Deep Gnome Terramancer
seems like an instant staple that’s never going away until they release something even better. I feel this is what WOTC originally intended to do with Boreas Charger or Cartographer’s Hawk, but maybe at that point there wasn’t as high of a demand to ‘fix white’ in EDH or they just weren’t sure how far they could push white while still staying within the boundaries of the color pie.

Solemn Doomguide gives creatures in your graveyard unearth, and while he’s limited to party creature types, he’s alright in my book. I’m a big fan of the unearth mechanic and outside of Sedris, the Traitor King or Corpse Connoisseur it’s an ability that seems relatively absent from most EDH decks. This card is going to put in some serious work in Shadowborn Apostle or Orah, Skyclave Hierophant decks. If you manage to brew a Dimir Wizard/Rogue tribal deck where Solemn Doomguide assists your gameplan, I’d be very interested to see it.

Seasoned Dungeoneer doesn’t look all that great at first until you start paying attention to how many ‘i will swing my commander every turn’ commanders happen to be part of the party tribe. Rograkh, Son of Rohgahh; Zurgo Helmsmasher; Geist of Saint Traft; Wyleth, Soul of Steel; Akiri, Fearless Voyager; Kemba, Kha Regent - the list of potentials goes on.
If you’re playing a voltron commander or a commander that likes to swing in every turn to gain benefits, check their creaturetype and see if you can find room for Seasoned Dungeoneer. Protection from creatures allows you to attack more safely, and the initiative and explore are two big bonuses that shouldn’t be overlooked.


Upgrades for BC:
Before considering upgrades to the deck, I’d look at the mechanics you like most and try to synergize with those a little bit more. Flickering, graveyard recursion, lifedrain, token generation, keywords, party, it’s a little all over the place.

I couldn’t decide on which theme to focus on more, so rather than give you an easy ‘add these 3 to 10 cards and you’re good’, I wanted to do something special and suggest some cards for several of the playstyles present in the precon you may want to focus on. I’ve tried to limit every creature suggestion to serve as a party synergy piece as well where possible.

Pick your favorite playstyle, and start changing the precon more to your preference by shifting your focus into one of the following mechanics:



Minthara, Merciless Soul from the regular set brings in a semi-anthem. Creatures will die due to combat on your turn often, so why not turn that into a benefit - the ability specifies ‘left the battlefield’ which includes the pieces you may flicker.

Far Traveler gives you a fresh blocker in your end step and can reuse some of the ETB effects you may add to the deck.

Dawnbringer Cleric adds some extra noncreature removal and graveyard exile effects - something the precon currently lacks in my eyes.


Elite Spellbinder gets rid of threats out of your opponents’ hands, and while it doesn’t completely remove the card from the game, it does make someone’s potential payoff visible to the rest of the table and this might cause the table to shift focus to that player instead.

Kabira Outrider adds a repeatable board buff to the mix which allows you to swing more consistently.

Inspiring Overseer makes for some nice repeatable card draw.


Graveyard Recursion

Drana, the Last Bloodchief and Bishop of Rebirth add some straight to the battlefield recursion - the latter one being a solid option when looking at the curve of the precon. Out of the box, Bishop of Rebirth has 20 potential targets!

Whisper, Blood Liturgist is able to recycle some of your less impactful tokens and bring back the stronger cards from your graveyard.


Isareth, The Awakener makes for an easy to attack with creature due to Deathtouch and adds graveyard reanimation on top. Due to the precon’s low curve, you’re likely only going to be paying 2 to 3 mana to reanimate something which isn’t a bad rate.

Ravos, Soultender puts creatures back in your hand and serves as a boardwide anthem as well. A lot of the creatures in the deck are on the lower side in regards to power and toughness, and they won’t always have deathtouch due to not having a full party, so a +1/+1 anthem felt right here.

Ascent of the Worthy allows you to swing in more safely two turns in a row, after which the third chapter ability reanimates a creature that comes back as an Angel Warrior, something that could potentially fix your warrior-party requirement.



Cleric Class has some amazing lifegain synergy and isn’t just a flavor win, level two especially will be quite relevant to growing a more threatening boardstate.

Astarion, the Decadent serves as a nice backup commander and gives you a choice to further drain out an opponent in your end step.

Ravenloft Adventurer drains an opponent during combat and has an exile ability similar to Dauthi Voidwalker which will stop other reanimator/graveyard synergy decks (such as Captiain N’Ghathrod) at the table from getting out of hand.


Thrasher Brute drains a single opponent and brings and extra Warrior to the deck, the second lest represented creature type in regards to party.

Vizkopa Guildmage adds more lifelink on demand, and has a nice secondary ability that will help close out games if you’re left in one of those ‘this game has been going on forever’ situations.

Graveblade Marauder feels right at home in a 40+ creature deck and I think he’ll show his true potential here more than in the New Capenna precon it got reprinted in.


Token Generation

Blaring Captain and Blaring Recruiter add some anthems and token generation, and can tutor for each other. Recruiter further fixes the imbalance of the amount of Warrior creatures present in the deck. It also has the ability to create a Warrior token at instant speed, which could help you bring out blockers to catch people off-guard.

Kaya, Geist Hunter has a pretty solid +1 ability that allows you to swing more easily and her -2 ability seems like a relatively safe ‘one off’ Anointed Procession that doesn’t trigger every turn to keep it more in line with BC.


Krav, the Unredeemed and Regna, the Redeemer were hard to put into one category, because they dip into several strategies the deck is already trying to do. When you have expendable tokens to snack on, Krav will gain you a decent amount of card advantage and Regna has lifegain synergy with token generation on top. While both of these break theme on the party mechanic, the synergy they provided to the deck was not something I could ignore.

Idol of Oblivion doesn't just see creature tokens, but any token you created. This includes treasure tokens, which the deck already had several options for. If you’re further expanding the token generation plan, I can guarantee you this card will draw you more cards than you originally thought it would.



Odric, Lunarch Marshal and Akroma, Vision of Ixidor will provide big buffs to your board. The stock precon comes with Deathtouch, Flying, Menace, First Strike, Double Strike and Lifelink so you should have no issues finding relevant keywords to gain the benefits of either of these cards.

Akroma’s Will could be a decent finisher on a well established board so you can threaten lethal a little more easily.


Keeping the previous cards in mind, some keywords appear infrequently so adding some more keyword sources with Mangara, the Diplomat; Basilisk Collar and Sanguine Spy seems like a smart idea. The latter one also allows you to get rid of the top card of your library if you’re stuck on a non-party card with Nalia too.



While the deck is called Party Time, and the commanders care about the party mechanic, it’s still an in inherently weaker subject to focus on than some of the previous build paths highlighted before. Naturally assembling a full party felt hard at times.

For a while I considered adding more type fixers like Amorphous Axe or Runed Stalactite, but the deck is rather ‘untap upkeep draw and turn my entire board sideways at your face’ in nature, which meant often having to pay the equip cost again since some of the attacking creatures died. This turned into too heavy of a mana investment in what is a relatively low curve precon.

Most worthwhile Changelings/Shapeshifters are already in the base precon so there weren’t many good options left. Almost every creature I suggested in all the previous categories will fill a party slot. Party as a mechanic hasn’t been in enough sets to start adding more cards that care about it specifically that aren’t already in the precon, so I wouldn’t go out of your way to find more ‘if/when you have a full party’ cards - something for the future perhaps?


Jack of all trades considerations:

The deck's biggest weakness is ‘bigger threats than the small bodies you yourself provide’ and getting rid of those might change whether it’s safe to attack or not. Anguished unmaking; Swords to Plowshares; Generous Gift. Add them and thank me later when it takes care of that Taurean Mauler; Elder Gargaroth or Managorger Hydra preventing you to commit to your attacks.

I think this is also one of the few decks where I’d run both Oketra’s Monument and Bontu’s Monument since the precon kind of synergises with both - they aren’t a bad pick if 45% of your deck is creatures. One generates warriors to fix your party threshold and the other will drain out your opponents if combat isn’t going to resolve in your favor and you may need to keep creatures back.

Sword of the Animist will find you plenty of lands and there was almost never a situation where a minimum of one creature didn’t swing.


Limits for BC: As with most go wide precons that are able to build big (token) boardstates, effects like Cathar’s Crusade and other ‘free value’ cards should likely be avoided. I wouldn’t go overboard with adding extra ramp either because the curve is quite low and there are plenty one, two and three drops to the point more ramp can kind of feel like a dead draw.


Party Time might feel a little unfocused at times due to trying to do too many things at once. There are several types of mechanics present in the boxed precon, and if you end up drawing too little pieces of one of the things it’s trying to do, it might seem like you’re not doing a whole lot other than tapping out and hoping to hit your opponent. You’ll have to learn which cards work well with one another a little bit more often here, more so than in most of the other precons.

It feels like a big toolbox that wants to push you in several directions without holding your hand too much on how to achieve ‘the right way to play this commander/deck’. Because of this you can take it many different ways and you can likely change it to be ‘your version’ of the precon with cutting the mechanics you dislike and adding more of the one you’re going to focus on.


And that’s all for today! Does Double Masters come with precons? No? You mean I’m caught up in what was a near 6 month push of nonstop product? Exxaxl is a free penguin! What? Warhammer 40K? What’s that?

A reminder that all of the regular preconstructed decks (Commander decks printed outside of specialty products like Secret Lair) are Battlecruiser by default on our Discord server and don’t require a deck check to get played.

Join our server if you wish to talk about anything and everything EDH related and consider signing up on our Patreon if you want to enjoy some curated webcam commander matchmaking!

“This article is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.”


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