Shining a Light on Soul-Guide Lantern
This Uncommon artifact from Theros Beyond Death might be the only card aside from Sol Ring that I think is truly an auto-include for basically any Commander deck.
Mistakes, Misplays, Misunderstandings
There is no window of opportunity between any of these modes for you to activate an ability or cast an instant speed spell in. Just like with Torment of Hailfire, there is no ‘in between those things happening’ window of opportunity for you to respond in.
How to Beat Farewell in Commander
Whether you like it or not, Farewell is probably here to stay and all signs point to it being a card that gets reprinted fairly often in Commander products.
Precon Power Creep?
Being the one person at the table that doesn’t get to play their deck isn’t fun, so is focusing more on making sure you actually get to play the cards you draw a bad design decision?
Food, Swords, and Magic: An Interview with TheHermitDruid
Today’s article was my opportunity to sit down with Nathan and chat about attending Magic conventions and get to know him a little better.
Pick a Number: Knowing What to Choose and When in cEDH
Among these, there exists a card that has generated some buzz among cEDH players, a new Dimir Faerie Noble commander that allows you to pick a number. That certainly sounds pretty fun.
Anatomy of a Staple
Chief: Let’s be serious. Some people would also rather lose to a Glacial Chasm than have any way to remove it.
Exxaxl: All decks should pass the Glacial Chasm test.
Did You Build Your Casual Commander Deck Wrong?
Phil Gallagher from ThrabenU joins us to showcase his philosophy for casual Commander deck-building and asks an age-old question.
Out of the Box: March of the Machine 2/3
Trigger Guardian Scalelord, returning Abzan Battle Priest to the field. Riot choice is a +1/+1 counter here, trigger Shalai for 2 damage, trigger Enduring Scalelord, trigger Shalai for 2 damage again. Your attackers now have lifelink. How much damage are you taking? Math is for blockers - or for editors, right Chief? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Out of the Box - March of the Machine - 1/3
It’s weird to see this effect on a mono blue card knowing only 37 cards with at least Blue as their color identity exist (excluding changelings). I’d like to believe this was a deliberate design choice, just like with Vodalian Wave-Knight. Now, can we get a reprint of Riding the Dilu Horse already? Without updating the rules text to say ‘until end of turn’ obviously
For One Mana: Any Color
Are they really not going to block your 11 power commander because they want to deny you two extra cards?
For One Mana - Green
Chief: Drop of Honey was actually reprinted as a white card in Planar Chaos. Check out Porphyry Nodes if you want a more affordable equivalent.
Exxaxl: Shhh no white article spoilers, I still have the colorless one to write first.
2022: A Commander Year in Review
Now that 2022 has had some time to settle and we’ve had enough time to play with the cards from the final releases of the year, we’re ready to share our favorite cards from 2022. We (Chief, Who Endures and Exxaxl, Progress Tyrant) will recap our selections for each major set released last year.
Sorting and Storing Your Magic: The Gathering Cards
I’ll preface this with the fact that I go as far as to sort my basic lands per set, my tokens alphabetically and I even know exactly where my keyword-counter, art cards and ‘how to play magic’ info cards are. My empty sleeves are sorted per 100 and I know how many empty deckboxes I have available in which color and form factor.
For One Mana - Red
Too many people abuse this silent agreement that lands should be left alone and go overboard by stapling strong effects and interactions in their land base, knowing people likely aren’t running the correct targeted removal to deal with it. Prevent that Villainous Wealth or Torment of Hailfire of reaching X = 15, don’t allow the voltron player to keep their Rogue’s Passage and get rid of that Urza’s Saga before it can tutor up an artifact.
For One Mana - Black
Even without a voltron player at the table, when’s the last time you had a game without Lightning Greaves, Swiftfoot Boots, Shadowspear or any of the ‘Sword of’ cards getting played? Sure, their commander can have hexproof or shroud, but chances are high the equipment will not!
Mishra’s Burnished Banner - Out of the Box
I’d question the edibility and logistics of forcing an animated Ichor Wellspring into a cake tin, but I’m sure you can ask Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar on how to make that recipe work.
For One Mana - Blue
Energy Tap turns into quite a strong ritual in a color that’s not really known for playing this type of effect. Tapping your Torrential Gearhulk to help you overload a Cyclonic Rift feels amazing to pull off.
Enlightened Tutor—Synergies in Mono-White
The perception that mono-white is the weakest color identity in Commander can make playing it feel inaccessible for new players or those accustomed to playing other colors. This sentiment is one that I’d like to change.
Dominaria United Commander—Out of the Box
I don’t know if this was supposed to be a card for Standard and they simply ran out of room there, and I think it’s an interesting ability to play around with, but to me boxed precons really shouldn’t have cards that don’t work in the deck they got printed in. Putting Greed, Phyrexian Reclamation or fetchlands in the precon would have prevented this card from just being a glorified Vampire Nighthawk.
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