Commander Spotlight: Dogmeat, Ever Loyal
Are you really not going to block an 8/8 Dogmeat with first strike, trample and indestructible? That’s 3 hits till lethal commander damage, with just one equipment attached.
The Official TheHermitDruid Travel & Food Guide for MagicCon Chicago 2024
This is my official guide for providing travel advice for people who are flying out to Magic events for the first time, as well as a guide to all of the food that I’m planning to check out in Chicago during my time there.
How to Beat Farewell in Commander
Whether you like it or not, Farewell is probably here to stay and all signs point to it being a card that gets reprinted fairly often in Commander products.
Upgrading the Raining Cats and Dogs Secret Lair Deck
I hope you’re ready for the vigilance-haste-countered up zoo because it’s coming your way. Is this where I make the obligatory ‘Who Let the Dogs Out?’ joke for Tesak and unleash?
Our Top 10 Cards for Murders at Karlov Manor
A new set is just around the corner! It’s time we (Exxaxl and Chief, Greater Than the Sum of Our Rap Sheets) take a look at our top 10 cards — well, 12, since we also included one precon card each — for Murders at Karlov Manor.
Commander Spotlight: Massacre Girl, Known Killer
There’s a killer on the loose! In today’s Commander Spotlight, we’re going to take a look at the aptly named Massacre Girl, Known Killer.
My Top 10 Board Wipes for Commander
There’s a definite art to knowing the right time for a reset. This comes with experience. In this article, I’m going to showcase my top 10 board wipes for the Commander format.
A Guide to Self-Mill in Commander
Self-Milling puts cards into your graveyard, but to what end? Are you looking to completely deck yourself out? Do you want to fill the graveyard and use it as a second hand due to several keywords and mechanics you can cast from the graveyard? Are you looking to cheat on casting costs by reanimating high mana value bombs?
Our Top 10 Cards for Ravnica Remastered
Dominaria Remastered was one of the best reprint sets in recent memory, which means that Ravnica Remastered has pretty big shoes to fill. How does it measure up? In this article, we (Chief, Waiting for Retro Frame Smothering Tithe and Exxaxl, Transmuting Muddle the Mixture to Fetch Cyclonic Rift) will go over our favorite reprints from the set for the Commander format and see just what this set has to offer!
Fall League 2023 - Battlecruiser
“I initially started to build it thanks to Dominaria United Limited all-star Urborg Repossession. When drafting, I noticed they keep making the black green archetype have a graveyard manipulation playstyle, but you basically need to have a perfect draft in order to have that playstyle work, otherwise you just have a pile of black and green cards with low synergy.”
My cEDH Top 10 for 2023
You’re not dreaming. A seven-mana commander that requires four different colors of mana has put up a solid argument to be considered one of the best new cEDH cards from 2023.
Unsung Heroes: 2023’s Most Underrated Cards for Commander
Being able to pick and choose how you clear the board and keeping your own higher mana value pieces intact without having to rely on the nuclear options like Farewell and Austere Command could prove beneficial as well. Selective wiping can mean you come out on top. If only this card had flash ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
Commander Spotlight: Jetmir, Nexus of Revels
He’s the big boss of the Cabaretti from Streets of New Capenna and he just wants to party and have a good time!
Precon Power Creep?
Being the one person at the table that doesn’t get to play their deck isn’t fun, so is focusing more on making sure you actually get to play the cards you draw a bad design decision?
My Top 10 Cards for Lost Caverns of Ixalan
Did you realize that Jeweled Lotus needs to tap in order to activate its ability? Making it enter tapped is a huge tempo loss for commanders that want to get out early and start doing powerful things right away.
Commander Spotlight: Galadriel, Light of Valinor
We’ll definitely want to be prepared to do a bit of bookkeeping with all of the different triggers that will be going off, but it’s worth it when we’re practically drowning in mana, card advantage, and +1/+1 counters.
Upgrading the Angels: They're Just Like Us but Cooler and with Wings Commander Precon
Who better to guide you through empowering your holy host than I? Don’t answer that!
Commander Spotlight: Olivia, Crimson Bride
Today’s commander is a real femme fatale, hailing from 2021’s Innistrad: Crimson Vow. Olivia, Crimson Bride focuses on a Rakdos reanimator strategy that rewards you for turning creatures sideways during the combat step. This can have deadly results.
My Top 10 Cards from Doctor Who Commander
Whether you want to call it power creep, innovation in game design, or anything else, there are a lot of commanders from recent years that just feel like they warp the game when they’re on the battlefield.
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