
Dominaria United Commander—Out of the Box

I don’t know if this was supposed to be a card for Standard and they simply ran out of room there, and I think it’s an interesting ability to play around with, but to me boxed precons really shouldn’t have cards that don’t work in the deck they got printed in. Putting Greed, Phyrexian Reclamation or fetchlands in the precon would have prevented this card from just being a glorified Vampire Nighthawk.

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Predictions PlayEDH Predictions PlayEDH

Dominaria United Predictions

While the enemy painlands have been reprinted multiple times in recent years, we haven’t seen the allied painlands since Tenth Edition. That means that it has been 15 years since they were last reprinted. I’m honestly not sure why they’ve been overlooked for so long, but this set seems like a great place to bring them back.

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