
PlayEDH Exxaxl PlayEDH Exxaxl

Past, Present, and Future. Thank you?

Magic’s as old as Doom, Beanie Babies, the entry into force of the Treaty of the European Union and Nelson Mandela’s Nobel Peace Prize. It’s less fleeting than I thought it would be initially and I get to be a part of it now, for the time being.

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Precons, Upgrade Exxaxl Precons, Upgrade Exxaxl

Out of the Box: March of the Machine 3/3

Bone Sabres seems like just the type of card your tokens need without being ‘too strong’. If this card also gave a keyword to the equipped creature I’d feel we see it played more often. Bioshift can make a huge difference with how combat flows for you and it’s still wild to me that this isn’t a bigger staple in +1/+1 counter decks. We’ve seen this card printed once in Gatecrash and it’s only $0.14 at the time of writing.

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