Our Top 10 Cards for Ravnica Remastered
Dominaria Remastered was one of the best reprint sets in recent memory, which means that Ravnica Remastered has pretty big shoes to fill. How does it measure up? In this article, we (Chief, Waiting for Retro Frame Smothering Tithe and Exxaxl, Transmuting Muddle the Mixture to Fetch Cyclonic Rift) will go over our favorite reprints from the set for the Commander format and see just what this set has to offer!
My cEDH Top 10 for 2023
You’re not dreaming. A seven-mana commander that requires four different colors of mana has put up a solid argument to be considered one of the best new cEDH cards from 2023.
Unsung Heroes: 2023’s Most Underrated Cards for Commander
Being able to pick and choose how you clear the board and keeping your own higher mana value pieces intact without having to rely on the nuclear options like Farewell and Austere Command could prove beneficial as well. Selective wiping can mean you come out on top. If only this card had flash ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
Commander Spotlight: Jetmir, Nexus of Revels
He’s the big boss of the Cabaretti from Streets of New Capenna and he just wants to party and have a good time!
My Top 10 Cards for Lost Caverns of Ixalan
Did you realize that Jeweled Lotus needs to tap in order to activate its ability? Making it enter tapped is a huge tempo loss for commanders that want to get out early and start doing powerful things right away.
Commander Spotlight: Galadriel, Light of Valinor
We’ll definitely want to be prepared to do a bit of bookkeeping with all of the different triggers that will be going off, but it’s worth it when we’re practically drowning in mana, card advantage, and +1/+1 counters.
Commander Spotlight: Olivia, Crimson Bride
Today’s commander is a real femme fatale, hailing from 2021’s Innistrad: Crimson Vow. Olivia, Crimson Bride focuses on a Rakdos reanimator strategy that rewards you for turning creatures sideways during the combat step. This can have deadly results.
My Top 10 Cards from Doctor Who Commander
Whether you want to call it power creep, innovation in game design, or anything else, there are a lot of commanders from recent years that just feel like they warp the game when they’re on the battlefield.
For One Mana: White
Each of these cards has their own use in some way shape or form, and if you know your local pod relies on turning creatures sideways to load up on umpteen combat or attack-related triggers at which point they reach critical mass, surprise them next time.
Our Top 10 Cards from Wilds of Eldraine for Commander
I just hope that Korlag manages to stay safe, because he must be protected at all costs.
Pick a Number: Knowing What to Choose and When in cEDH
Among these, there exists a card that has generated some buzz among cEDH players, a new Dimir Faerie Noble commander that allows you to pick a number. That certainly sounds pretty fun.
Anatomy of a Staple
Chief: Let’s be serious. Some people would also rather lose to a Glacial Chasm than have any way to remove it.
Exxaxl: All decks should pass the Glacial Chasm test.
Our Top 10 Cards from Commander Masters
I’m obligated to mention that the brand new borderless artwork for Champion’s Helm depicts Commander players who were waiting around for the card to get a reprint... Paolo Parente knocked this one out of the park.
A Blazing Sun That Never Sets: Sun Titan in EDH
I’ve occasionally heard that Sun Titan is just too slow for casual Commander these days. If that ever becomes true, I might not continue playing. I have no intention of cutting Sun Titan any time soon.
Our Top 10 Cards from The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earth for Commander
Exxaxl: Behoooold the wizaaaaard. Chief: Here we go again.Exxaxl: Bewaaaaare his poweeeeers. Chief: Get it out of your system. Exxaxl: 🤘🎸Unspeakable poweeeeers!
Ranked for EDH: The Swords Cycle
This is why the recent completion of a cycle that began back in 2004’s Darksteel is such a big deal. After all, it took over 19 years for this cycle to finally come to a close.
Our Top 10 Cards for March of the Machine
Of note, this ability is particularly unique for mono-white decks that don’t usually have many ways to reuse instant and sorcery spells once they’re in the graveyard.
For One Mana: Any Color
Are they really not going to block your 11 power commander because they want to deny you two extra cards?
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