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PlayEDH: Online Webcam Commander
PlayEDH is the premier online play space for paper commander. We offer a curated EDH experience with a solidified power level structure. People looking to play a game can do so through automated matchmaking via SpellBot.
Looking for a place to play EDH from the comfort of your own home?
You bring your webcam, headset, and deck. We’ll provide the play space, curation, and a fully staffed moderation team.
Power Levels
No need to second guess what power level your deck is. As part of your membership we offer a unique deck check system where our trained server staff will assign your deck a power level. This helps with matchmaking curation to deliver an experience where decks can play against each other on an even field. PlayEDH recognizes five power levels to determine where decks are played on our platform:
1. Battlecruiser
Other than boxed precons, homebrew Battlecruiser (BC) decks usually share similar play patterns. Develop the board in the first few turns, deploy commander or threat, use combat as the primary means of interacting with your opponents, occasionally interacting with spot removal, wraths, and counterspells. Due to the nature of most decks and threats in BC, a high density of interaction is not essential, but it is still important that you run some. A good rule of thumb, run as much as a precon. All precons that follow the regular release schedule (outside of Secret Lair and specialty products) are automatically BC.
2. Low
Low decks generally have a degree of focus around a specific strategy or synergy and a defined way to close out the game. While the general card quality of ramp and draw and interaction will on average be lower than what’s found in Mid, some powerful cards will appear in this level. In general, strategies that tend to be too overwhelming for Battlecruiser, but which would typically struggle in Mid, should find a home in Low. As in Mid, early turns are spent developing a board. Interaction should still be present at this level, but the general pacing of the game is slower than Mid, allowing more time to draw into that interaction.
3. Mid
Mid decks will be centered around focused strategies, deliberate wincons, and often feature many efficient staples of the format. Mid games typically revolve around developing powerful board states, sculpting hands for decisive turns, and interacting with key threats from opponents.
4. High
High power decks are decks that aren't quite able to compete at the most competitive level (Maximum), but share many of the same hyper-efficient cards, acceleration, interaction, and wincons. Assume that players will be aiming to win, or establish some form of lock from early points in the game. Players will be playing disruption, removal, and static hate pieces to try and stop you from winning.
5. Competitive
Generally speaking, these decks have zero limits in terms of power, are equipped to interact, disrupt, or race other competitive lists, and in the optimization are designed to win against decks with the same considerations. Not every fully optimized deck is automatically considered cEDH. We want people to match their skills, not their wallets, so playtest cards are allowed. This goes for any power level on our platform.
You can find a more in depth explanation of all of our power levels in our Power Level Compendium.
Over 20,000 unique decks checked and rated per year using our power level system!